Thursday, June 17, 2010

Structure outline of Automation Framework

Hi All,

Generic structure for Keyword Driven Framework:

·         Test case                                                             (Excel OR XML OR ELSE)
·         Driver script
·         Data script                                                           ( To collect & Validate the test data & Keyword from test case excel )
·         Common Functional Library                        (Common for all the test)
·         Business function & procedure                  (Can be specific to test)
·         Supportive library                                           (Application Independent)
·         Scripts                                                                   ( Specific to test  - only if required)
·         Test result
Configuration files which contain following thing: 

1.       File 1:  Contain the variable to make debug mode enable/disable.
a.       Can also include flag to install\Uninstall application.
b.      Point to re-configure the test environment.
c.       Flag to make different level of validation\Check point before executing test.
2.       File 2 :  Which contain all the required path of files. (Application, result, etc)
3.       File 3 : which contain global variable & QTP environment variable  used as reference for validation,  to invoke QTP & set the test environment.
Optional Feature:

1.       Maintaining result history separately, which can be maintain in such way that we can extract history detail of each test/module.
2.       Generating mail at completion of each scheduled run with result & important messages of failure.
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