Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vbscripting with Classes

Classess in VB script

Class Customer

     Private m_CustomerName
     Private m_OrderCount
Private Sub Class_Initialize
     m_CustomerName = ""
     m_OrderCount = 0
End Sub

' CustomerName property.

Public Property Get CustomerName
      CustomerName = m_CustomerName
End Property

Public Property Let CustomerName(custname)
     m_CustomerName = custname
End Property

' OrderCount property (read only).

Public Property Get OrderCount
     OrderCount = m_OrderCount
End Property

' Methods.

Public Sub IncreaseOrders(valuetoincrease)
     m_OrderCount = m_OrderCount + valuetoincrease
End Sub

End Class

Dim c

Set c = New Customer
c.CustomerName = "Fabrikam, Inc."
MsgBox (c.CustomerName)
MsgBox (c.OrderCount)

Property in Class

Class User
' declare private class variable

     Private m_userName
     Private m_Test
' declare the property

Public Property Get UserName
     UserName = m_userName
End Property

Public Property Let UserName (strUserName)
     m_userName = strUserName
End Property

Public Property Get Test
     Test = m_Test
End Property

Public Property Let Test (sTest)
     m_Test = srTest
End Property

' declare and define the method

Sub DisplayUserName
     WScript.Echo UserName
     WScript.Echo Test
End Sub

End Class

Dim objUser
Set objUser = New User
' set the UserName property
objUser.UserName = "The Guru"
objUser.Test = "Test value"
' call the DisplayUserName method to print the user name

Shared Class

Class Test
     Public InstanceValue As String
     Public Shared SharedValue As String
Public Shared

Sub ShareMethod()
     MsgBox("This is a shared method.")
End Sub

End Class

Sub TestShared()
     Dim Shared1 As New Test() ' Create an instance of the class.
     Dim Shared2 As New Test() ' Create an instance of the class.
     Shared1.SharedValue = "Share Value 1" ' Set the value of a shared field.
     Shared2.SharedValue = "Share Value 2" ' Overwrite the first value.
     MsgBox("The value of the shared field in the first instance" & _
      "is: " & Shared1.SharedValue)
     MsgBox("The value of the shared field in the second instance" & _
      is: " & Shared2.SharedValue)
'    Call a method on the class without creating an instance.
End Sub

Object Drive using Class

Dim filesys
set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set drv = filesys.GetDrive("e")

select case drv.DriveType
     Case 0: drtype = "Unknown"
     Case 1: drtype = "Removable"
     Case 2: drtype = "Fixed"
     Case 3: drtype = "Network"
     Case 4: drtype = "CD-ROM"
    Case 5: drtype = "RAM Disk"
End Select

WScript.Echo "The specified drive is a " & drtype & " type disk."
WScript.Echo " "
WScript.Echo "Total size is " & drv.TotalSize & ". "
WScript.Echo "Available space is " & drv.AvailableSpace & ". "
WScript.Echo "Type is " & drv.DriveType & " "
WScript.Echo "Path is " & drv.Path & " "

Dim filesyst, drive
Set filesyst = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WScript.Echo "Before Condtion"
drive = filesyst.DriveExists("z")
WScript.Echo drive

If filesyst.DriveExists("z") Then
     WScript.Echo("The specified drive does exist.")
     WScript.Echo("The specified drive does not exist.")
End If

WScript.Echo "After Condtion"


  1. Hi, Nice Blog...keep on posting them...

    -Nivedita Sharma

  2. Thanks Nivedita

    You can also put your queries here.. I will try to reply them also.


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