Sunday, June 27, 2010

Playing with string in Vbscript

Manipulating String

Dim var
var = " hello Word "
MsgBox var
temp = Trim (var)
MsgBox temp
MsgBox var
temp1 = UCase(Trim (var))
MsgBox temp1
temp2 = LCase(temp1)
MsgBox temp2

Few more function for string

Dim temp
temp = "12 3456781 "

MsgBox (temp)
MsgBox (Len (temp))
MsgBox (Left (temp, 3))
MsgBox (right (temp, 3))
MsgBox (Mid (temp,2,3))
MsgBox (Mid (temp,1,3))
MsgBox (Mid (temp,5,2))
MsgBox (Trim (temp))
MsgBox (StrComp ("YES","yes",(0))) ' 0 is a case sensitive option
MsgBox (StrComp ("yes","ye",(1)))
MsgBox (String (34,"*"))
WScript.Echo (String (34,"*")) ' Run with both wscript n script option in CMD '
MsgBox (StrReverse ("HEllo"))

1 comment:

  1. Good Information shared about the in-build functions.



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