Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Few Sample script for VB

To sun any application form CMD (command prompt / MS DOS) one has to use either “cscript” or “Wscript” to provide interpreter environment to script to get execute Sample script to open & read excel sheet: Dim objExcel Set objExcel = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\test1.xls") objWorkbook.Activate Dim intRow , intCol intRow = 1 : intCol = 1 WScript.Echo " Coloumn : Data " Do Until objExcel.Cells(intRow,intCol).Value = "" Do Until objExcel.Cells(intRow, intCol) = "" WScript.Echo objExcel.Cells(intRow, intCol).Value intRow = intRow + 1 Loop WScript.Echo " " intCol = intCol + 1 intRow = 1 Loop objExcel.Workbooks.Close () objExcel.Quit Sample script to work around Drive (C:\, D:\,etc): Dim filesys set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set drv = filesys.GetDrive("e") select case drv.DriveType Case 0: drtype = "Unknown" Case 1: drtype = "Removable" Case 2: drtype = "Fixed" Case 3: drtype = "Network" Case 4: drtype = "CD-ROM" Case 5: drtype = "RAM Disk" End Select WScript.Echo "The specified drive is a " & drtype & " type disk." WScript.Echo " " WScript.Echo "Total size is " & drv.TotalSize & ". " WScript.Echo "Available space is " & drv.AvailableSpace & ". " WScript.Echo "Type is " & drv.DriveType & " " WScript.Echo "Path is " & drv.Path & " " Dim filesyst, drive Set filesyst = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") WScript.Echo "Before Condtion" drive = filesyst.DriveExists("z") WScript.Echo drive If filesyst.DriveExists("z") Then WScript.Echo("The specified drive does exist.") Else WScript.Echo("The specified drive does not exist.") End If Sample script for file handling: 'This program will create a file E:\file_location.txt, write and read the date and then it will delete' 'it' Dim fso, file, file_location, FileName file_location = "E:\file_location.txt" Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fso.OpenTextFile("E:\file_location.txt", ForWriting, True) file.Write("This is a place to get all your qtp") file.Write("questions and answers solved.") Set file = fso.OpenTextFile("E:\file_location.txt", ForReading, True) Do while file.AtEndofStream <> True data = file.ReadLine() msgbox data Loop file.Close() fso.DeleteFile("E:\file_location.txt") Sample script to open any application: Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'ObjShell.Exec("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE") Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IE. IE.visible = 1 IE.navigate("https://" & URL & "www.google.com") Friends let me know if you want any specific generic script I would really happy to help.

Classes in VB script for QTP

Creating classes in VBScript is really no different than creating classes in any other programming language. The concept of an object is usually described as just about anything. When you think about it every thing around you is some sort of object. For example a house is an object. It has properties and methods. The properties could be that the house has 3 bedrooms, a garage, a pool, air conditioning etc. You can even break down the house into smaller objects, such as doors windows etc. A garage door may have methods that are controlled by a remote. The methods may be something like garageDoor.open or garageDoor.close. The garage door would be an object, and the method would be to open or close. Getting back to the Vb Script, lets see how we would write a simple class called Math that adds or subtracts two numbers. First let’s look at our parameters for the class.
Class Name: Math
Methods: add and subtract
Now before we actually create the class, lets just see how we would write the two methods:
Public Function add(afirst, asecond)
Dim output
output = afirst + asecond
add = output
End Function
Public Function subtract(sfirst, ssecond)
Dim output
output = sfirst - ssecond
subtract = output
End Function
Now we can define the class:
Class Math
End Class
Then just put them together:
Class Math
Public Function add(afirst, asecond)
Dim output
output = afirst + asecond
add = output
End Function
Public Function subtract(sfirst, ssecond)
Dim output
output = sfirst - ssecond
subtract = output
End Function
End Class

Monday, April 26, 2010

Recording Mode in QTP

Recording Mode other then “Normal Recording Mode”

  • Analog Recording - enables you to record the exact mouse and keyboard operations you perform in relation to either the screen or the application window. In this recording mode, QuickTest records and tracks every movement of the mouse as you drag the mouse around a screen or window. This mode is useful for recording operations that cannot be recorded at the level of an object, for example, recording a signature produced by dragging the mouse.

  • Low-Level Recording - enables you to record on any object in your application, whether or not QuickTest recognizes the specific object or the specific operation. This mode records at the object level and records all runtime objects as Window or Win Object test objects. Use low-level recording for recording tests in an environment or on an object not recognized by QuickTest. You can also use low-level recording if the exact coordinates of the object are important for your test.

  • One can switch from Normal to analog/low-level mode in between the test n vice-versa.
  • Analog Recording and Low-Level Recording require more disk space than normal recording mode.

Analog Recording

  • Use Analog Recording for applications in which the actual movement of the mouse is what you want to record. Record relative to a specified window if the operations you perform are on objects located within one window and that window does not move during the analog recording session. QuickTest does not record any click or mouse movement performed outside the specified window.
  • Record relative to the screen if the window on which you are recording your analog steps moves during recording or if the operations you perform are on objects located within more than one window.
  • The steps recorded using Analog Recording are saved in a separate data file. This file is stored with the action in which the analog steps are recorded.
  • When you record in Analog Recording mode, QuickTest adds to your test a Run Analog statement that calls the recorded analog file. The corresponding Active Screen displays the results of the last analog step that was performed during the analog recording session.

Low-Level Recording

  • Use Low-Level Recording for recording on environments or objects not supported by QuickTest.
  • When you need to record the exact location of the operation on your application screen. While recording in normal mode,

  • QuickTest performs the step on an object even if it has moved to a new location on the screen. If the location of the object is important to your test, switch to Low-Level Recording to enable QuickTest to record the object in terms of its x- and y- coordinates on the screen. This way, the step will pass only if the object is in the correct position.

  • While Low-Level Recording, QuickTest records all parent level objects as Window test objects and all other objects as Win Object test objects. They are displayed in the Active Screen as standard Windows objects.

Low-Level Recording supports the following methods for each test object:

  • WinObject test object—Click, DblClick, Drag, Drop, Type
  • Window test object—Click, DblClick, Drag, Drop, Type, Activate,

Minimize, Restore, Maximize

  • Each step recorded in Low-Level Recording mode is shown in the test tree and test script. (Analog Recording records only the one step in the test tree that calls the external analog data file.)

  • There is also a reporting tool called Reporting Manager (Latest available version 9.2), this is the tool which one can integrate with QTP to have extended reporting.
  • You can choose from (so far) 8 reporting engines - User timed popup message, XML, Excel, Styled Text, Screen Capture, Windows event log reporter (local or remote), DB reporter and the native QTP reporter.

You can and apply as many Regular-Expression and Object-State filters on them as you’d like.
Aside from the current engines and filters, Reporter Manager can be easily extended to include countless more reporting and filtering techniques. Just use the included class template to easily create engines and filters that suite your needs.

Thoughts on Automation Framework

Steps involved in Approach for Test Automation are as follows:
· Requirement gathering from the client
· Understanding and Analyzing the Requirement
· Grouping the requirement into Test cases
· Preparing the Design for Automation
· Building Scripts depending on the Design
· Review of Scripts at Offshore
· Delivery to the Client
Guidelines to be followed for Quality deliverable of Automation Framework
  • Following common coding structure for all the scripts
  • Consistent coding conventions
  • Use of Re usability for making code efficient and minimal
  • Efficient use of Object Repository
  • Use of Error and Exception handling Functions
  • Use of Data table object, Environment variables for using data
Frame work Components:
  • Object Repository Maintenance
  • Driver Script
  • Functional Library
  • Test DATA – Excel/XML/DATABASE Or any other external file
  • Initialization / Configuration (Environment & Global Variables)
  • Action Scripts

Design of the Approach for Test Automation is given below
  • Identification of Test Cases for Automation
  • Identification of Common Functionality
  • Coding Standards, Naming Conventions & Templates
  • Building the Re-Usable Library
  • Application Login, Logout, Common Functionality Related code etc
  • Tool & Application Settings, Restoring, Object Repository, Recovery, House Keeping etc
  • General library containing String handling, Date handling, File Handling, Data
  • Table handling
  • Error handling, Log Reporting, messaging etc
  • Script Development using Record & Play back
  • Deliver the script after Verification & Validation

QTP Certification Information

Purpose of the exam prep guide:
  • The intent of this guide is to set expectations about the content and the context of the exam and to help candidates prepare for the HP QuickTest Professional 9.2 Software exam. In this guide, you will find recommended HP training courses, reference and study material help you achieve a successful passing score.
  • Studies conducted by HP and Pro-metric show that a combination of course attendance and self-study maximizes the likelihood of passing the exam on the first attempt.
  • This exam is intended for functional testers who will create and develop automated test scripts using the HP software for functional testing, QuickTest Professional 9.2.
Certification requirements:
  • This HP QuickTest Professional 9.2 Software exam is one of the requirements to be certified as an Accredited Integration Specialist in HP Quality Center v9.
Exam details
  • Number of items: 60
  • Item types: multiple choice
  • Time commitment: 2 hours
  • Percentage Required to Pass Exam: 70 percent
Exam content
  • The following topics represent the specific areas of content covered in the exam. Use this outline to guide your study and to check your readiness for the exam. The exam measures your understanding of these areas.
  1. Record and Playback
  2. Enhance the Test
  3. Working with Objects
  4. Working in the Expert View
Useful Links

Study Summary

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